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How to Use a Lead Magnet to Promote Your Coaching Program

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The primary purpose of your lead magnet is to build your email list, but you can also use your lead magnet to promote your coaching program. Wouldn’t it be great to sell your coaching program at the same time as filling your email list with future coaching clients? Read on to learn how to convert lead magnet downloads into coaching clients.

Pick a Lead Magnet Topic that Suits Your Coaching Program

Converting lead magnet downloaders into coaching clients starts when you pick the topic for your lead magnet. Choose a topic for your lead magnet that fits in with your coaching products and services. Ideally, your lead magnet topic should either:

  1. Solve a small but impactful problem related to your coaching program
  2. Provide the basic knowledge that is needed before they are ready for your coaching program

For example, if you are a financial coach, then your lead magnet may be a budget template or 50 debt reduction ideas. If you coach people through the process of buying their first home, your lead magnet may be a checklist of what you need to do before you can start looking for your first home.

Ask yourself if you can present your coaching program (or another one of your coaching offers) as the logical next step if your lead magnet subscribers want to continue their results.

Deliver Results, Not Just Value

A lead magnet for coaches doesn’t just provide the lead magnet downloader with information; it gives them insight into your coaching. This is why your lead magnet needs to help your ideal coaching clients achieve actual results faster, easier, or cheaper. Your ideal coaching clients will see your lead magnet as a representation of how much they will gain by working with you. You want them to think wow, if I achieved these results using a freebie, imagine what I’ll achieve if I pay to work with them.

While some aspects of this will be outside of your control (you can’t do the work for people, they need to put what they learn into action), your coaching lead magnet should make it as easy as possible to achieve significant results. Consider:

  • Troubleshooting common issues that may arise
  • Breaking the work down into smaller tasks to make it less overwhelming
  • Ensuring you cover all the information necessary to succeed
  • Suggesting tools that would make it easier (this is also a great way to earn some affiliate income)

It can help to imagine you are coaching a client through the problem in a coaching session. What would you need to tell them? How would you increase the odds of them thriving in this particular area?

Write an Offer for Your Lead Magnet

Your coaching program already has an offer so you may be wondering why you need to write an offer for your lead magnet. Well, you don’t actually need to write a brand new offer, you just need to reword your offer to fit what your ideal coaching clients will be looking for immediately after they finish working through your lead magnet.

The goal for your lead magnet offer is to position your coaching program as the logical next step. Your ideal coaching clients have seen some great results from implementing what you taught in your lead magnet, and your coaching program offers them a way to continue their results. That is what your offer needs to communicate.

Promote Your Coaching Program

People can’t buy what they don’t know exists. It is safe to assume that most of the people who download your lead magnet will have little to no awareness of your coaching program. Therefore, you can’t rely on them knowing that you also offer coaching or them looking for a coaching program. You need to tell them about your coaching program.

We recommend promoting your coaching program in the 2 following places:

Promote Your Coaching Program in Your Lead Magnet

The best place to promote your coaching program is in your lead magnet. People may pass your lead magnet on to friends and family, or they may not read your lead magnet until a while after they downloaded it. By promoting your coaching program in your lead magnet, it ensures that they still hear about your coaching program.

Segue from your lead magnet to your coaching program offer by starting with, “The thing about habit-building is you need to build on the momentum you generate…” Then, briefly outline what you will cover during coaching and the benefits your coaching clients can expect to see.

For example:

The thing about habit-building is you need to build on the momentum you generate. Currently, you are no longer drowning in debt. You paid off some of your debt, and we’ve consolidated as much as we can to buy some breathing room. This must be such a relief!

Use this breathing room wisely to pay down some more debt at lower interest rates. This will help you to become debt-free faster. I have taught you all of the general tips I have to pay down debt. Past these tips, I really need to understand your situation if I am to help you repay your debt as quickly as possible. That is why I offer private coaching.

If you sign up for coaching, we will look at your debt and devise a debt repayment plan to help you pay down your debt quickly and while paying as little interest as possible. I will be able to check your eligibility for programs and schemes that will accelerate this process. In addition to working on your debt, we will look at your financial health as a whole so that we can ensure you have the means to support your future goals. Depending on your needs, this may consist of retirement planning, saving for homeownership, or creating a short-term goals fund so you have extra money to travel or put towards hobbies.

Promote Your Coaching Program in Your Lead Magnet Emails

Use your lead magnet welcome sequence to introduce your ideal coaching clients to your corner of the internet. A big part of that is telling them about the coaching that you offer.

The third email in your welcome sequence should offboard your ideal coaching clients by offering the next steps to continue the progress they made working through your lead magnet. This is where you talk about your coaching program.

Write the third email of your welcome sequence with the assumption that they already read the lead magnet. The content of this email should:

  • Summarise the action steps in the lead magnet
  • Celebrate the wins your ideal coaching clients are experiencing after putting the lead magnet into action
  • Get your ideal coaching clients excited about everything that lies ahead of them (leads perfectly into your coaching program offer)

We’ll talk more about lead magnet welcome sequences in another article. For now, all you need is to craft a coaching offer that ties into the whole exciting future aspect of the third welcome sequence email.

The wording will be similar to the wording of the offer you put in the lead magnet. The only difference is you want to focus on the excitement for the future.

For example:

Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming debt-free. You are one step closer to no longer living from paycheque to paycheque. Wouldn’t it be great to have money to cover unexpected expenses without the stress of finding the money keeping you up at night? How about having the money to live life to the fullest?

Keep working on your finances, and that will be you. Following the steps in the guide will have bought you some breathing room. As long as you stick to your budget and pay money towards your debt, you will be free of your debt.

I can help you accelerate the process of becoming debt-free, I just need to know more about your circumstances. We will work together to improve your financial health across multiple areas. In addition to working on your debt, we will tackle retirement planning, budgeting, and tax advantages. [Insert details about your coaching offer.] 

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