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Lead Magnet Upsell: The Pros and Cons of Low-Ticket Offers vs High-Ticket Offers

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coach creating an upsell offer for their lead magnet

We’ve talked a lot about using your lead magnet to upsell to an offer that allows your ideal coaching clients to continue their progress. There are two options you can use as an upsell – a low-ticket offer or a high-ticket offer. There are a lot of factors involved in which would be best, let’s examine them.

How to Upsell in a Lead Magnet for Coaches

You are giving away valuable information for free in your lead magnet. If you have an effective lead magnet for your coaching business, then that information will give the downloader an impactful win. On that basis, why not introduce an offer?

This is the warmest an email list lead will ever be because they have just joined your list and are benefiting from what they learned in your lead magnet. They are also likely looking for a chance to continue the progress they have made from your lead magnet. So introducing an offer is a win-win.

Whether you choose a low-ticket offer or a high-ticket offer for your lead magnet. Your lead magnet upsell should be present in both the lead magnet and the lead magnet welcome sequence. You don’t need to go in for the hard sell in either of these places. Just briefly explain how the offer will help them to continue their progress and include a link to the sales page for that offer.

Upsell Your Lead Magnet to a Low-Ticket Offer

A low-ticket offer is a concentrated product or service that solves a very specific problem in a low-cost way. Low-ticket offers for coaches are generally a digital product or a masterclass or workshop. There is no right or wrong price for low-ticket offers, it is generally relative to your high-ticket offer. High-ticket offers for coaches are often coaching programs that cost thousands, so low-ticket offers for coaches can cost a couple of hundred pounds.

When deciding whether to upsell to a low-ticket offer for your lead magnet, consider your ideal coaching client’s priorities and budget. Would your ideal coaching client want to deal with the whole enchilada immediately and sign up for coaching, or would they prefer to just take another significant step? Does your ideal coaching client have the budget to sign up for your coaching program immediately using the payment plan, or would they need to save up for a while?

Consider your business priorities and resources too when you are deciding between a low-ticket upsell or a high-ticket upsell. Do you plan to offer a mix of low-ticket offers and a coaching program, or would you prefer to focus more time on your coaching? What is the minimum interest you would need to run monthly sessions (or whatever frequency) of live low-ticket offers like masterclasses, or would a digital product be better? What is your goal for your lead magnet?

Pros of Upselling to a Low-Ticket Offer

  • Easier conversion – A well-priced low-ticket offer is an easy upsell. It fits into your ideal coaching client’s discretionary budget, and they’ll think nothing of signing up for a masterclass or downloading an eBook. That amount will depend on your ideal coaching client.
  • Chance to further nurture – A low-ticket offer is another chance to show the value you can provide as a coach. You can show off how you support your coaching clients, how you explain concepts in easy-to-understand ways, and the wins you can provide them. Your client gets to see a second example of this so they know that you consistently provide this level of support, and they will feel confident purchasing other offers in the future or becoming coaching clients.
  • Higher client lifetime value – As a coach, you will have followers who value the insights you give and the knowledge you share but who just don’t want formal coaching. They will sign up to relevant masterclasses and buy relevant digital products but, for whatever reason, won’t sign up for your coaching program. These are still important clients. They will still buy things from you, and they are often die-hard fans who will recommend people who do sign up for coaching. Low-ticket offers allow you to increase the lifetime value of these clients AND the clients who sign up for your coaching programs later on.
  • Multiple streams of income – Instead of just having a coaching program, you have multiple ways that you earn income from your ideal coaching clients. Depending on the types of low-ticket offers you sell, some of those income streams may even be passive. It might take some prospects a few years before they feel ready to pay thousands for a coaching program, so low-ticket offers provide you with an income source while you nurture them.

Cons of Upselling to a Low-Ticket Offer

  • Lower value sales funnel – For most coaches, if 6 people per year were to purchase their coaching program from their lead magnet, they would be ecstatic with those results. It might take hundreds of low-ticket purchases to make the same profit as 6 coaching clients. Therefore, an upsell to a low-ticket offer may lead to more purchases but lower overall profit.

Upsell Your Lead Magnet to a High-Ticket Offer

A high-ticket offer for coaches is usually their coaching program. There is no minimum or maximum price your coaching program needs to be to be considered a high-ticket offer. When we are talking about low-ticket offers and high-ticket offers in this context, we are simply talking about digital products or masterclasses vs your coaching program. The ultimate goal of any sales funnel is to convert interest into coaching clients, different coaching businesses take different routes to get there.

Some coaching clients will want to be upsold to your coaching program right away and won’t entertain a low-ticket offer. If you are a leadership coach for executives, for example, your coaching clients might not want to mess around with templates or video series, they just want to speak to someone who will help them solve their problem. These kinds of clients expect qualified experts to be expensive because they have expensive problems. They think that a £59 eBook isn’t going to help them solve a £500,000 problem, so they won’t bother.

The way you run your coaching business is another factor to consider. Having a streamlined coaching business where all of your focus is on coaching rather than developing new products may work best for your business. You may want to focus on high-ticket sales rather than expending time and energy on low-ticket offers. There is no right or wrong answer, you need to think about what is right for your coaching business.

Pros of Upselling to a High-Ticket Offer

  • High profit for each conversion – Each client you convert represents a high profit for your business. You don’t have to convert as many clients to reach your profit target.
  • Introduce your coaching program immediately – Prospects are aware of your coaching program from the very start. They are already primed when you are ready for the next intake of your coaching program.

Cons of Upselling to a High-Ticket Offer

  • Lower conversion rate – A high-ticket offer is not a split decision. Clients may need to think about it for a number of months before they decide to sign up for your coaching program. That doesn’t mean they won’t ever convert. They’re on your email list now, so you can nurture them and tell them more about your coaching program. You can increase the conversion rate by offering a payment plan to break your coaching program cost into manageable amounts.

Choose Your Lead Magnet Upsell

When choosing your lead magnet upsell, remember that your choice doesn’t have to be permanent. You can change your mind in the future. You can sell both low-ticket offers and high-ticket offers to your email list once the welcome sequence is over. You are just choosing what you want to use as an upsell immediately after your ideal coaching clients download your lead magnet.  

Read more about lead magnets for coaches on our lead magnet information hub  

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